We stayed at Thrupp and battened down the hatches for a rainy day on Thursday (05/08/2012), after a hike to the Coop in Kidlington. The C&RT Service area here was a bit quirky but had a book and DVD Swap.

Steve and Vera went for a walk along the tow path during a break in the rain, and never missing a chance to use external toilets, popped into The Highwayman. SOS or “Shit on Shore” was the adage of our friend Keith when on his narrowboat.

Vera found it quite cosy by the fireplace.

In the evening Hilary’s cousin Clare and her husband Martin and dog Mini came to meet us and we had a lovely meal in The Boat Inn. We watched “I am Victoria“ with Suranne Jones in mental anguish on All4 before going to bed.

On Friday (06/08/2021) morning we were on the move again with a stop at Thrupp C&RT Services after our first lift bridge.

The forecast was for rain and grey clouds were gathering.

The narrow locks were well spaced out and we passed through five to get to Heyford Wharf, home base of The Duke and Long Term Narrowboat Hire at 15:30 hrs.

The boat yard was full of excited holiday makers getting ready to set off on an Oxfordshire Narrowboats holiday. A stag group resplendent in red hats came out of the adjacent railway station and scampered down, lager cans in hand, for their boat briefing.
We left them to it and walked down to the lovely Bell Inn at Lower Heyford.

There was a unique choice of beers and cider.

And some exotic crisps. Pipers seem to have taken the market in Oxfordshire.

There was no mobile phone signal or television reception here so we had to put on our inverter (12V to 240V) converter and use the DVD player.