We set of early from our mooring on Tixall Wide where the other narrowboats seemed to be determined to stay off grid on this desolate site on the Staffordshire & Worcestershire Canal.

We negotiated 6 locks on the outskirts of Stafford today in rain and a cold wind and arrived at Penkridge early afternoon. A couple of keen volunteers helped us through the final lock and onto the Canal & River Trust Services before we moored up for day.

Who tries to flush bricks and rubble or sleeping bags down the toilet?!

This is an Elsan toilet cassette emptying facility which is cleaner than most that we have encountered.

A fuel boat serviced our neighbours as we watched the final 2 episodes of “The Pact” on BBC iPlayer. Yesterday we passed the Mikron Theatre Company narrowboat on it‘s way to their first performance in Leeds in June 2021. https://mikron.org.uk/shows

Steve and Vera went shopping at the local convenience store and met the amicable Indian owner who was keen to accommodate our alcohol resupply, but would prefer cash to card payments (especially not American Express - that’ll do nicely, Not)!

We battened down the hatches and hunkered down for the night.